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Call for Entries: An Artist and a Mother

Call for Entries

MFA alums Tara Carpenter (MFA-Ceramics 2012) and Heidi Moller Somsen (MFA-Ceramics 2011) are co-editing a book project and invite submissions! An Artist and a Mother will be a book of visual artworks and essays about contemporary artists and mothers who speak to the challenges and joys of balancing creative life with the demands of mothering. It will be published in print and digital formats by Demeter Press.

Upload PDF submissions by February 17, 2021.

Submission Guidelines
Questions may be directed to:

Peer reviewers for the project:
Tara Carpenter Estrada (Editor), Professor, sculptor and mixed media artist
Website | Instagram

Heidi Moller Somsen (Co-Editor), Sculptor, installation and performance artist and teacher
Website | Instagram

Kaylan Buteyn (Curator), Artist and founder of the Artist/Mother Podcast
Website | Instagram

More Information and Application